When my youngest daughter was 4yr., I was told I'd have to get her "caught" up on her vaccinations in order for her to attend preschool where we lived in Louisiana. I didn't know any better, so I took her in. They gave her 5 shots in one setting! Soon afterward, we started seeing behavioral issues with her.  Over the next 2 years, her "fits" turned into "episodes"; they increased in frequency (happening nearly every night) and in intensity - we would have to put her in the shower to shock her back to her sense.

Words just don't seem to adequately described just how horrific these episodes were.  She was always afraid and rarely slept in her bed. I would find her asleep in the hall way, on the floor by my bed or on the couch in the living room.  Her screams were ear piercing and she'd act like she was an animal trying to crawl into the wall. Anything could set her off and our other two children would beg us to do whatever to please get her to stop. In short, it was tearing our family a part and I had no idea why or what to do.  I had even taken her to her pediatrician for advice but he also didn't know what was wrong.

In May 2012, I went out of town for my niece's graduation. That night I just crumbled before the Lord.  I begged Him to please show me how I could help my baby. I claimed the verse, "For God has not given us the spirit of fear, but of Power and Love and a Sound Mind." I prayed all night and woke the next morning with a tear soaked pillow. As I opened my Bible for my devotions, the first verse I saw was, "Be not afraid, only believe and your daughter will be made whole."  I laughed out loud with the flood of relief that flooded my heart. I certainly didn't have all the answers, but I was confident God was going to lead me down the right path.

That same week, I had be introduced to Zija - a company that makes a nutrition product based entirely on the Moringa Olifera plant.  I had researched both the company and the plant exhaustively for over 3 days.  I had been using sample packs for 4 days and noticed I was no longer having daily headaches and experienced consistent energy throughout the whole day.  The Monday I returned from my trip, I had all 3 of my kids drink Zija.  My sweet baby girl's fits STOPPED that day. Completely. Totally. GONE!  I wouldn't ever believe it if I hadn't experienced it.  This led me looking for "why" - and after MUCH researched,  I learned that children with impulse control problems, behavior problems and even ADHD are all deficient in omega oils.  This plant, moringa olifera,  is naturally over-flowing in Omega 3, 6 & 9!  My daughter's problem wasn't that she was a bad kid or that we were bad parents - it was a nutritional deficiency!

About 3 months later, we had moved to Florida and I noticed that she wasn't having fits, but was always whining by evening time. She would just moan, groan and complain. My sister-in-law suggested we try her on a gluten-free diet. I did and within 3 days, she was as right as rain again.  No more complaining - I had a happy 6 year playing barbies - hallelujah!!. :)  Her gluten intolerance was causing inflammation and pain all over her little body but she had no idea how to communicate it. 

I continued my journey to learning all I could about health and nutrition.  I became educated about GMO through this video "Genetic Roulette ".  My son was dealing with a condition that neither our pediatrician nor the ENT could identify. After days and weeks of research, I am positive he was dealing with Marshall's Syndrome (PFPA). Oddly, this conditions is said to be outgrown by the age of 10. My son had his last episode the week of his 10th birthday.

The summer of 2013, I had my 20 year old niece come stay with me for the summer. While she was staying with me for the summer and was eating healthy and taking several walk all which resulted in her losing weight. Normally that's  a good thing - until one day she called me at work. She had a massive headache, was shaking uncontrollably, felt extremely fatigued, barely able to keep her eyes open and then she started stuttering so bad, she couldn't get a word out.
Immediately we took her to the ER. After many tests which all came back normal and about 5 hours later, she was back to "normal" - all her symptoms disappeared. 
She then told me  that the shaking and headache reminded her of when she had been living in the bedroom unknowingly filled with black mold for 18 months about 2 years ago.  I spent many, many hours/days researching. Mycotoxin's can get stored in fat cells. I believe that as she was burning up fat, she was re-releasing these mycotoxins back into her body and this was to cause for her symptoms. She spent more than 6 months with me, most days unable to get up out of bed or the couch. Her ability to concentrate and walk were greatly affected. No one really believed that it could be the black mold. She suffered something awful until I was able to find some plan of action.

I found a diet that starved the mycotoxins and we used Food Grade DE and Bentonite Clay to bind the toxins that were being released and pull them out of her system.  The problem took 18 months to develop, so the healing time also takes time and perseverance.  She has since returned to college and is able to once again function normally. I'm very thankful for the benefit we found in using DE to help her recover.

I have learned so much through my passion for knowing more. I have found over and over that nutrition plays such a HUGE role in our health and is THE tool for healing. Hence this website - to simply share what I'm learning and possible provide help to others looking for alternative remedies and solutions.

I have once again returned to school.  I'm currently pursuing my Holistic Health Practitioner Certification. My passion for health and sharing what I'm learning with others is the reason for this website

We can't have optimal health without optimal nutrition.

Information and statements regarding dietary supplements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration and are not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any disease. Information is provided for informational purposes and is not meant to be a substitute for the advice provided by your own physician or other medical professional. You should not use the information contained herein for diagnosing or treating a health problem or disease, or prescribing any medication. You should read carefully all product packaging. If you have or suspect that you have a medical problem, promptly contact your health care provider.