The first step to healing from any disease is to detoxify the body of the accumulated toxins. A build up of toxic sludge in the colon, gut, blood and tissue will eventually lead to ill health and disease. Once you get to the root cause of the problem and remove the toxins within the body, it can begin to heal. Many folks don't want to take the time that's required to REALLY heal. We are a "quick-fix" generation. One must keep in mind, we don't generally get sick over night and healing doesn't happen in an instant.  Patience and commitment to a lifestyle change is required. It's an investment in your future.

How do you know if you are toxic? If you suffer from any of the conditions and symptoms listed in the box, then you definitely need to detoxify your body. Granted, this is only a partial list as I may have missed some ailments that also need to be detoxified from the body. The proper order and various detoxification protocols will follow behind the toxicity list.

Symptoms of Toxicity

 Fatigue, Adrenal/Thyroid Failure, Cold hands or feet, Muscle Aches, Lupus, Joint Pain, Chronic Fatigue Syndrome, Neuropathy, Epstein-Barr Virus, Overall Bad Feeling, Coughing, Headaches, Migraines, Wheezing, Poor Memory, Mental Fog, Depression, Irritability/Anxiety, Mood Swings, Insomnia, Hyperactivity, ADD/ADHD, Vaginal Yeast, Vaginal/Rectal Itching, Menstrual Problems, PMS Symptoms, Endometriosis/Infertility, Hormone Imbalance, No Sex Drive, Cystitis/Urinary Tract Infections, Prostrate Irritation, Indigestion, Protruding abdomen, Eczema, Psoriasis, Athlete’s Food, Cancer, Swollen Lymph Nodes, Colds and Flu, High Blood Pressure, Alzheimer’s & Parkinson’s, Blood or Mucous in Stool, Autoimmune disease, Sinus Infection , Post-Nasal Drip, Ear Infections/Itching, Respiratory Problems, Asthma, Hay Fever, Allergies, Heartburn/Acid Reflux,  Gas/Bloating, Diarrhea, Constipation, Colitis, IBS, Crohn’s Disease, Leaky Gut Syndrome, Ulcers, Intestinal Pain, Chemical Sensitivity, Dry Mouth, Skin Rashes, Hives, Itching Boils, Rosaceous, Dry Skin, Bad Breath, Burning/Puffy Eyes, Dark Circles, Thrush (yeast in the mouth & throat), Fingernail/Toenail Fungus, Over or Under Weight,, Low Blood Sugar, Food Cravings (Sugars & Starches), Fibromyalgia, rheumatoid Arthritis, Over sweating, Night Sweats, Diabetes, Acne, Cystic Acne, Fluid Retention, Dark Colored Urine.

Detoxification of the body will help to rid the body of the accumulated toxins. In order for detoxification to be the most effective, it should be done in a certain order to make sure the channels of elimination are clear to release the toxins. The order should be Colon cleanse first, then a Candida cleanse Parasite cleanse, followed by a Kidney cleanse. During the detoxification, you may feel sick, this due to a Herxheimer reaction; also known as a healing crisis. You may feel as if you are coming down with the flu, but this will pass once the toxins are released from your body. During detoxification, it is imperative to get plenty of rest and drink plenty of water to flush the toxins out of your system. **

COLON CLEANSE: 1 - 2 weeks
When beginning a colon cleanse, there are many different types to choose from. You can either use liquid Bentonite clay and Psyllium Husk taken daily and every evening or you may use a kit that is usually found in any vitamin or health food store. All the colon cleanse kits will work differently because everyone’s body chemistry is different, so it is difficult to say that one kit is better than another. The kits usually work when you take a combination of pills per day according to the instructions on the box.

I will sometimes opt for the detox kit, but I also utilize the liquid Bentonite Clay/Psyllium Husk method. With the Liquid Bentonite Clay/Psyllium Husk, I take a couple of ounces (1/3 cup of liquid Bentonite Clay and follow it with an 8 ounce glass of room temperature water. The room temperature water helps to expand the liquid Bentonite clay in the system, which will soak up the toxins with in the body. The Liquid Bentonite clay is a negative ionic electrical charge, which attracts positively charged particles in the form of toxic poisons. Because the toxins in the body are positively charged and the Bentonite is negatively charged, they are attracted to one another like a magnet. So the Bentonite clay will soak up the toxins and carry them out of your body through your stool. I then take 2-4 capsules of Psyllium husk with an 8 ounce glass of room temperature water. I will take this method 1-2 times throughout the day and right before bedtime. Wait at least an hour before or after eating before taking this method or the vitamins and minerals in your food won’t have time to assimilate.

If you enlist the detox kit method of detoxification, follow the instructions on the box. If you enlist the liquid Bentonite clay/Psyllium husk method, then you want to continue it for about a week.  This is where it is important to pay attention to your body and how you feel when you do this cleanse. This is usually safer for those who are new to detoxification.

“Candida” is a yeast like fungus that grows within the body and causes a host of health problems that manifests itself in various toxic symptoms. It is a common condition that approximately 85% of the population experiences, yet few know how to treat the underlying cause which is causing their symptoms. Candida overgrowth can be caused from taking antibiotics, pharmaceutical drugs, birth control pills, sugary and starchy foods, foods containing gluten, processed foods, and stress.  All of these will alter the balance of good to bad bacteria in the body, creating an overgrowth of Candida.

In order to properly detoxify your body from candida and be on the road to good health, you must have completed the colon cleanse first to clear the channels of elimination. It is wise to change your eating habits to starve the candida of its fuel source while on the candida cleanse to achieve maximum efficiency. If you do not change your eating habits, you will continue to feed the candida and you will not be able to eradicate it from your body. Here is a good source of what a Candida Diet entails.

There are plenty of candida detox kits on the market that will help eliminate candida. I like to use Rainbow Light Candida Cleanse. All of the detox kits will work differently depending upon the severity of the candida. Some people will have good luck with a candida kit if their candida isn't too severe of a problem. However, some people experience systemic candida, which is a more severe type of candida infection that is difficult to eradicate with just a candida kit, in which case you will need a more detailed detoxification regimen.

Various foods contain an anti-fungal compound which helps to get rid of candida naturally. The anti-fungal foods consist of garlic, leeks, onions, ginger, grapefruit seed extract, oregano, black walnut and Pau D’arco. Another way to rid the body of candida is to make sure to include anti-fungal foods to your diet on a daily basis, use lots of garlic, onions, and oregano in your cooking.

 It is also imperative to re-populate your body of the good bacteria. When you have candida, the bad bacteria in your body outweigh the good bacteria, which is what is making you sick. Adding probiotics and prebiotics to your diet will also help to starve the candida from your body and balance the ratio of good bacteria to bad bacteria. I make my own Milk Kefir which is a fantastic source for live probiotics. Another options might be to try something like Nutrition Now PB 8 Probiotics. Do not take the garlic/ginger mixture or a candida detox kit within 3 hours of probiotics or prebiotics to experience the best results. 


Parasite Cleanse
Many people never realize that parasites can be living within their body and creating their health problems. Parasites consist of worms, roundworms, tapeworms, hookworms, many other nasty invaders of the body which create many of the health problems you may be experiencing.

About 85% of people currently have parasites living in their body and don’t know it. You may have parasites if you live with animals, have eaten improperly cooked food (i.e.; sushi), drank water from an unclean source or have eaten any vegetables that weren't cleaned properly. If you suspect you may have parasites, you can do a parasite cleanse to rid your body of the nasty critters.

 The parasite cleanse can and SHOULD be done in conjunction with the candida cleanse.
You will need the following ingredients:

  • Wormwood
  • Clove
  • Black Walnut

The wormwood and clove kill eggs and larvae of the parasites, while the black walnut kills the live parasites. There are also parasite cleanse kits on the market which may be easier to do if you are new to detoxing.  The parasite kits work the same as a colon cleanse kit or a candida kit, where you take the pills or powders from a package specified by the directions on the box. I used this kit from Vitacost: Kroeger Herb Wormwood Parasite Control Kit.

After you have successfully completed the colon, candida and parasite cleanses, you can move onto the kidney cleanse

Kidney Cleanse: 3 Weeks

The kidney cleanse will help to rid the kidneys of kidney stones and will get the kidneys working efficiently. In order to cleanse the
kidneys, you can brew a tea made of parsley. Put 4 bunches of fresh parsley into a quart of water and bring to a boil. Let the mixture
cool a bit and drink ½ cup tea daily for 3 weeks.

 There are also teas on the market that are specifically designed for a kidney detox, which contain parsley and/or uva ursi and can
also be used to aid in detoxifying the kidneys. You can also find kidney detox kits in a health food store. 
Another way to cleanse the
kidneys is to add parsley to your juicing regimen. You can also add dandelion greens which will also help to detoxify the kidneys as well.

I do this thorough Cleansing process once a year.  It takes about 6 weeks to complete but it is well worth the discipline.
After the cleanse is complete, I do a "maintenance" detox tea 2-3 times a week.  My Detox Tea of choice is
Zija's Premium Tea.


**Much of this information was gleaned from a fantastic book by Tamara St.John "Defeat Cancer Now".  
To find out more about her testimony of healing cancer natural, check out her website at