Cold & Flu Season

YES - it is that time of year and I've actually been dealing with an awful head cold most of this week.  While it has been stubborn, I'm certain I am feeling better faster due to some of these awesome home remedies and natural supplements.


This one, Olive Leaf extract, is actually new to me.  I learned about it in my aromatherapy class and boy is it a gold mine.  Olive leaf extract has antibacterial, antifungal, anti-inflammatory, and anti-aging properties. This has been shown to be extremely effective in preventing colds and flus and improving immune health.

In addition, olive leaf extract can boost the immune system. Furthermore, this herbal extract is a potent antioxidant. Researchers determined that olive leaf extract has twice the antioxidant capacity of green tea and 400% the antioxidant capacity of vitamin C.

The primary antioxidants in olive leaf extract are oleuropein and hydroxytyrosol. Other antioxidants include polyphenols and flavonoids such as olecanthal.

Lastly, olive leaf extract has antiviral properties. It is used to treat viral infections such as influenza, swine flu, common cold, herpes and hepatitis B. Olive leaf extract is not only effective against the flu but it is also effective for relieving flu symptoms such as sore throat and cough.

 I found Olive Leaf Extract in capsule form at my local Natural Grocer but I've also purchased it on - pretty easy to find.


2 Lemons
2 Limes
Medium piece of fresh ginger, peeled
Local honey
Mason jar

After thoroughly washing the citrus (use organic if possible), cut the lemons & limes  into chunks, leaving the rinds on. Begin by filling the jar with lemons. About halfway, grate in about a 3-inch piece of fresh ginger. Finish filling with the limes. Now, slowly pour the honey in giving it a little time to settle between all the lemon pieces. 
Let this sit on the counter for 2-3 hours; it will start to liquefy as the honey draws out the nutrients & juices from the ginger and citrus. I then pour that liquid into a separate container and store it in the refrigerator. 

Take a "shot" (1-2 tablespoons) of this honey concoction about 2-3 times a day when dealing with the cold or flu.  Its even a great energy booster too - I take a dose of this before I go for a run.

Now, I am NOT giving anyone medical advice here. As Paula Deen famously said, “I’m your cook, not your doctor.” I’m just sharing a little something that might make you feel better if you’re under the weather. And, by the way…don’t give this to infants.
Honey is not safe for them.


I LOVE my essential oils and these are my favorite go-to's when I'm battling a cold, congestion or sore throat.

Spruce -  Rub 1-2 drops of diluted Spruce oil into palms and inhale deeply to promote normal respiratory function.  Place 1-2 drops of Spruce oil on a tissue and place bedside when sleeping to improve breathing and relax the mind and body.  Diffuse Spruce oil in a diffuser to promote regular immune and respiratory system function.

Basil - Basil is one of the many essential oils that can be used to relieve the symptoms of colds and coughs. It can help to clear a stuffy nose and is especially useful in head colds.  Add a drop or two of the oil into a bowl of steaming hot water for an inhalation. Steam inhalations can also relieve many types of respiratory problems, including chest infection and bronchitis.

I created this blend to help with congestion.
2 drops Tea tree
4 drops Geranium
4  drops Rosemary
3 drops Peppermint
3 drops Eucalyptus
2 tbl of Sweet Almond oil
I mixed all of these together and rubbed it on my chest and on my back. I experienced almost immediate relief - pretty awesome!

ProShield - this is an already mixed blend that I purchase through Zija's  Ameo oils. 
With Améo Essential Oils like Clove, Cinnamon, Lemongrass, Orange, Lemon, Rosemary, and Eucalyptus Radiata, ProShield has a sizeable amount of cleansing properties. It also assists in protecting cells from damaging free radicals and promotes normal respiratory function
Rub ProShield onto the soles of the feet—including children’s feet—before bed to promote normal immune system function.

All in all - there are loads of ways one can naturally fight back against those nasty germs.  I, for one, do not go down without a fight.  LOL
If you have any natural remedies that you have successfully used, please be sure to share!